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قصة الغراب المعزول -The story of the orphaned crow - قصص اطفال قبل النوم

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قصة الغراب المعزول 

قصص اطفال جديدة 2020

نقدم لك افضل قصص أطفال مفيدة على الطلاق منها هذه السلسلة الرائعه التى تصلح لجميع الاعمار كقصص أطفال قبل النوم كما يمكن تحميلها بصيغة pdf 
قصص اطفال جديدة 2020

كان ياما كان كان في غراب اسمه غربوب يسكن فوق احدى الاشجار مع مجموعة من اصدقائه الغربان امثاله 

وذات مره رأى عشا جميلا يسكنه غراب ضعيف فقال لاصحابه : هيا نأخذ هذا العش الجميل ونطرد زميلنا الغراب 

استولى الغربان الاشرار على مكان زميلهم وحاجاته لكن عند دخولهم العش تشاجروا مع بعضهم ، فقال غربوب في نفسه : فرصه استعرض قوتى واضربهم جميعا واخذ العش ليكون لى وحدى قال له اخوته هذا تصرف خاطيء وسيء 

ان تأخذ عشا ليس من حقك وتضرب اصدقاءك لكن غربوب كان عنيدا ولا يسمع كلام احد فقرر اخواته ان يخاصموه ولا يزوره

وفي مره اخرى ذهب غربوب الى جيرانه واخذ من عندهم طعاما واشياء لهم 

غضب الجيران وقرروا ان يتجمعوا ويضربوا غربوب وينتفوا ريشه واخذوا طعامهم واشياءهم التى عنده 

جلس غربوب بالعش وحيدا معزولا ولا يتألم ثم ارسل الى اخوته لينقذوه فلم يستجيبوا له 

وطلب من الجيران ان يحضروا الطبيب فرفضوا وضحك اصدقاؤه قائلين : كما فعلت بنا فعلوا بك

ارسل غربوب لابيه كى ينقذه فلما سمع القصة قال : ياغربوب انت اخطأت لقد منحنا الله القوة كى ننصر الحق 

ونعاون زملاءنا ولنساعد الضعيف لا لنضرب اصدقاءنا ونأخذ اشيائهم هذا خطأ كبير 

صمت غربوب لحظات ثم قال : نعم انا اخطأت وسأتوب الى الله وعندما يشفيني سأصلح اخطائي 

سأترك العش لصاحبه واعتذر لاخوتى وجيرانى واصحابي ولن استخدم قوتي الا في الخير ومساعدة الضعيف 

اكمل غربوب وسنبني عشا كبيرا نعيش جميعا فيه باذن الله فرح اخوته وجيرانه واصدقاؤه بتوبته وعودته اليهم 

واشتركوا جميعا في بناء عش كبير وتناولوا معه العشاء احتفالا بشفائه وببناء العش الجديد 

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New children's stories 2020

Once upon a time there was in a crow named Gerbob who lived on a tree with a group of his friends, ravens like him

Once he saw a beautiful nest inhabited by a weak crow, and he said to his companions: Let's take this beautiful nest and drive out our fellow crow

The wicked crows took over the place of their colleague and his needs, but when they entered the nest they quarreled with each other, so Grob said to himself: His chance is to show my strength and strike them all and take the nest to be mine alone. His brothers told him this is wrong and bad behavior

You take a nest that is not your right and hit your friends, but Gerboub was stubborn and did not hear anyone's words, so his sisters decided to quarrel with him and not visit him

Another time, Grob went to his neighbors and took food and things for them

The neighbors got angry, and they decided to gather and hit a guppy, pluck his feathers, and took their food and things that he had.

Geroub sat in the nest alone, isolated and not in pain, then he was sent to his brothers to save him, but they did not respond to him

He asked the neighbors to bring the doctor, but they refused and his friends laughed, saying: As you did to us, they did to you

He sent Grob to his father to save him. When he heard the story, he said: Oh, Stranger, you have sinned. God has given us the strength to support the truth.

We help our colleagues, and we help the weak, not to hit our friends and take their things. This is a big mistake

Grob fell silent for a while, then he said: Yes, I made a mistake, and I will repent to God, and when he heals me, I will correct my mistakes

I will leave the nest to its owner and apologize to my brothers, neighbors and companions, and I will not use my strength except for good and helping the weak

Complete the ghoroub and we will build a big nest in which we will all live, God willing, his brothers, neighbors and friends will rejoice in his repentance and his return to them

They all participated in building a large nest and had dinner with him to celebrate his recovery and the construction of the new nest

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