
super baby

الكنز الكبير - قصص اطفال جديدة

 الكنز الكبير - قصص اطفال جديدة 

عاد الجد حسين بعد زيارة احد اصدقائه فوجد طارق وهو يبكى بكاءا شديدا امام الحوض الزجاجي لاسماك الزينة ، وبجانبه يقف محمد متأثرا  بموت صديقتهما السمكة لولى واخذ يزداد في البكاء حزنا عليها وحزن الجد لحزنهما واخذ يفكر في شيء يفعله حتى يخرجهما من حاله الحزن الشديدة التى اصبحا فيها ... وفجأة قال الجد لنفسه : فكرة رائعه فنادى على محمد وطارق في فرحة كبيرة وجاء مسرعين لجدهما فقال لهما الجد : عندى لكما مفاجأة كبيرة  سوف سنذهب لرحلة صيد غدا ان شاء الله في جزيرة الواحة المجاورة لنا فما رأيكما !!!

فظهرت بعض ملامح السعادة على وجه محمد وطارق واعلنا موافقتهما على الرحلة ، وفي اليوم التالى استيقظ الجميع مبكرين وقاموا بتجهيز الطعام وادوات الصيد استعدادا لهذه الرحلة ، وقبل الخروج من المنزل ذهب طارق لاطعام اسماك الزينة ثم حملوا امتعتهم وانطلقوا لرحلتهم 

وهاهم قد وصلوا اليها انها جزيره الواحه فيها طبيعه جميله خلابه ونظر محمد وطارق الى الجزيرة مستمتعين بهدوء البحر فيها وصفاء مياهه وقاما يلعبان في سعادة وسرور واخرج الجد صنارته الكبيرة  وهو يقول : انه يوم مناسب للصيد حقا ، وجلس يصطاد وحوله محمد وطارق بلعبان بالكرة 

وبعد لحظات قليله اصطاد الجد سمكة كبيرة ففرح بها محمد وطارق فرحا شديدا ثم عادا للعب بالكرة مرة اخرى، واثناء اللعب بالكرة ذهبت الكرة بعيدا جدا حتى وقفت عند قارب صغير يرسو على شاطيء البحر في الجزيرة فاسرع محمد لاحضارها من هناك، وعندما وصل الى الكرة سمع شخصا ما يقول : يابدين الجسم  هيا تحرك بسرهه فليس امامنا سوى نصف ساعه فقط لنبدأ عملية التفجير ونفوز بهذا الكنز الكبير 

ففزع محمد مما سمع وانطلق الى جده يخبره بما سمع وعندما سمع الجد ذلك قام مسرعا وقال لمحمد وطارق : يااحبابي انتظر هنا ولا تتحركا ثم ذهب ناحيه القارب ليتأكد مما سمعه محمد واقترب الجد من القارب بحرص شديد وهنا سمع واحد يقول للاخر : هل تأكدت من وضع الديناميت في اماكن تجمع الاسماك؟. وان الشباك جاهزة للصيد الكبير ؟ فرد الاخر : نعم تأكدت يازعيم ولم يتبقي الا خمس وعشرون دقيقه وتبدأ عمليه التفجير 

وهنا ادرك الجد بانهم يصطادون بشكل غير قانوني وانه يجب عليه ابلاغ خفر السواحل فورا، وعاد الجد الى احفاده وقال لهما : اسمعاني جيدا ان هؤلاء الصيادين اشرار وخطيرون جدا، عليكما البقاء هنا ولا تتحركا من هذا المكان مهما حدث وانا ساذهب فورا للابلاغ عنهم وظل محمد وطارق يجلسان في مكانهما ينتظران عودة الجد وتأخر الجد حسين ونظر محمد الى ساعته قائلا : لقد تأخر جدى كثيرا واخشى ان يقوم هؤلاء الصيادون بتفجير الديناميت فتهلك كل المخلوقات البحرية والاسماك الموجودة في البحر فقال طارق : لا تقلق يامحمد سيعود جدى بسرعه 

وفجأة هبطت على ظهر محمد وطارق انه الصياد البدين امسك بهما وهو يصرخ قائلا : من انتما؟؟ وماذا تفعلان هنا؟ وقام باخذهما وقيدهما بالقارب وهنا لاحظ احد الصيدون اهتمام محمد بساعه يده فقال له : لماذا تنظر هكذا في ساعتك ايها الصغير ؟ ارني اياها وقام الصياد بنزعها من يد محمد بقوة وبكى واخذ يفكر في طريقة ما ليمنع بها عملية التفجير او على الاقل يؤخرها حتى يأتى الجد حسين ومعه رجال الشرطة 

وهنا اتفق اللصوص على ان يبدوءا عملية التفجير وكادوا ان يشعلوا فتيل الديناميت الا ان فكرة رائعه قد طرأت على عقل محمد وقال لاخيه طارق نادى على احد الصيادين فنادى طارق على البدين فجاءه قائلا : ماذا تريد ايها الصبي ؟ 

فاخذ محمد بخفه من الرمال وقذفها في وجه اللص فصرخ اللص قائلا : عيني عيني ونادى على بقية الصيادين فجاءوا مسرعين يريدون ان ينتقموا من محمد وطارق وهنا سمعوا صوت الشرطة فاضطربوا وخافوا وحاولوا الهرب ولكن الشرطة احاطت بهم والقت القبض عليهم 

وقام الجد بفك محمد وطارق من القيود وهنا اسرع الى البدين مطالبا باسترداد ساعته فاعطاها له وهو يقول : لقد عرفت لماذا كنت تنظر في الساعه ايها الصبي الذكي 

وهنا شكر رجال الشرطة الجد حسين ومحمد وطارق على مساعدتهما في منع التفجير حفاظا على هذه الثروة السمكية والتى تعد وبحق كنز كبير ومصدر رزق لاهل هذه الواحه وجيرانها وفرح محمد طارق من اجل حماية البيئة 

The Great Treasure - New Children's Stories

Grandfather Hussein returned after visiting one of his friends and found Tariq crying profusely in front of the glass aquarium of ornamental fish, and next to him stands Muhammad affected by the death of their friend, the fish Loli, and began to cry more and more in grief for her, and the grandfather grieved for their grief and began to think of something to do to get them out of the state of extreme sadness in which they had become. ... Suddenly the grandfather said to himself: A great idea, so he called Muhammad and Tariq with great joy. He came running to their grandfather. The grandfather said to them: I have a big surprise for you. We will go for a fishing trip tomorrow, God willing, on the island of the oasis next to us, so what do you think!!!

Some features of happiness appeared on the face of Muhammad and Tariq, and we announced their agreement to the trip. On the next day, everyone woke up early and prepared food and fishing tools in preparation for this trip. Before leaving the house, Tariq went to feed the ornamental fish, then they carried their luggage and set off for their journey.

And here they had reached it. It was an oasis island with a beautiful nature. Muhammad and Tariq looked at the island, enjoying the calmness of the sea there and the clarity of its waters. They played with happiness and pleasure. Grandpa took out his big rod and said: It is a really suitable day for fishing, and he sat fishing around him Muhammad and Tariq played with a ball.

After a few moments, the grandfather caught a big fish, and Muhammad and Tariq were very happy, then they went back to playing with the ball again, and while playing with the ball, the ball went very far until it stood at a small boat anchored on the shore of the sea on the island, so Muhammad hurried to get it from there, and when he reached the ball he heard someone What he says: Look at the body. Let's move with its speed. We only have half an hour left to start the detonation process and win this great treasure.

Muhammad was terrified of what he heard and went to his grandfather telling him what he had heard. When the grandfather heard that, he hurried up and said to Muhammad and Tariq: “My dear, wait here and do not move.” Then he went towards the boat to verify what Muhammad had heard. The grandfather approached the boat very carefully, and here he heard one saying to the other: Have you made sure that you put the dynamite? Where do fish gather? And that the nets are ready for the big fishing? The other one: Yes, I made sure, chief, and there are only twenty-five minutes left, and the bombing process begins

And here the grandfather realized that they were fishing illegally and that he should inform the coast guard immediately, and the grandfather returned to his grandchildren and said to them: Listen carefully, these fishermen are very evil and dangerous, you must stay here and do not move from this place no matter what happens and I will go immediately to report them and Muhammad and Tariq remained They are sitting in their place, waiting for the grandfather to return. Grandfather Hussein is late. Muhammad looks at his watch and says: My grandfather is very late, and I am afraid that these fishermen will explode dynamite, and all the marine creatures and fish in the sea will perish. Tariq said: Do not worry, Muhammad, my grandfather will return quickly.

Suddenly it landed on the back of Muhammad and Tariq, the fat hunter, caught them shouting: Who are you?? And what are you doing here? And he took them and tied them to the boat, and here one of the fishermen noticed Muhammad's interest in his wristwatch, so he said to him: Why do you look like this at your watch, little one? Show me it, and the hunter pulled it from Muhammad's hand forcefully and cried and started thinking of some way to prevent the explosion, or at least delay it until Grandfather Hussein comes with the policemen.

And here the thieves agreed to start the explosion process and almost ignited the fuse of dynamite, but a wonderful idea came to Muhammad's mind and he said to his brother Tariq, he called one of the fishermen, so Tariq called the fat man, and he said: What do you want, boy?

So Muhammad took a piece of sand from the sand and threw it in the face of the thief, so the thief shouted: “My eyes are my eyes.” He called out to the rest of the fishermen, so they came rushing, wanting to take revenge on Muhammad and Tariq, and here they heard the voice of the police, so they became confused and frightened and tried to escape, but the police surrounded them and arrested them

The grandfather untied Muhammad and Tariq from the chains, and here he ran to the fat man, demanding his watch back, so he gave it to him and said: I knew why you were looking at the watch, smart boy.

Here, the policemen thanked Grandfather Hussein, Muhammad and Tariq for their help in preventing the explosion in order to preserve this fish wealth, which is rightfully a great treasure and a source of livelihood for the people of this oasis and its neighbors, and Farah Muhammad Tariq for the sake of protecting the environment.

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