كعادتهم يوميا اخذ الدب داني واصحابه الدببه في البحث عن عش جديد لنحل العسل لكى يشبعوا رغبتهم في التهام اكبر كميه من عسل النحل والذي يعشقونه ويحبونه حبا شديدا
وما ان يجدوا احد الاعشاش في حضن شجره حتى يفرحوا ويهللوا ويتنافسوا على التهام جميع الكمية الموجودة وذلك طبعا بعد التأكد من خلو العش من جميع افراد خلية النحل حتى لا يتعرضوا لقرصه او هجومه عليهم وتعرضهم للاذى
وفي مساء يوم من الايام اجتمع الاصدقاء وتناقشوا سويا في الاماكن التى سوف يبحثون فيها غدا ان شاء الله عن العسل مؤكدين على وجود عش جديد وكبير لم يرتادوه من قبل وهو مليء عن اخره بالعسل الشهي
فما كان من الدب داني الا انه اصغي لهم وعرف عنوان العش جيدا وقرر ان يستيقظ مبكرا عن ميعاد لقائه باصدقائه ويذهب بمفرده للموقع المتفق عليه وفعلا استيقظ دانى مبكرا واخذ يبحث عن شيء يضع فيه العسل لم يجد امامه سوى شوال من الخيش فوضعه على كتفه وتسحب بهدوء منصرفا حتى لا يوقظ احد من نومه
واخذ يتذكر مكان العش فتاره يدخل يمينا بين الاشجار واخرى ينحرف يسارا بين الاحجار حتى وصل الى موقع العش فوجد شجرة عملاقه تحتضن عش النحل كانه احد ابنائها العزاء فانتظر حتى خرج جميع افراد خليه النحل بحثا عن غذائهم حتى مد يده داخل العش واخذ يغرف العسل بيده ويضعه داخل شوال الخيش
وما هى الا عدة مرات حتى امتلا الشوال عن اخره ونفذ العش من اخر نقطة من العسل الابيض الجميل فحمل داني الشوال على كتفه وهم بالانصراف متسللا حتى لا يحس به احد او يراه واخذ يدندن بكلمات وهو فرحا مسرورا بالغنيمة التى حصل عليها وانه
سوف يلتهم الكمية كلها بمفرده بدون ان يشاركه احد من اصدقائه ولم يدرك ان شوال الخيش لا يصلح اصلا لان يوضع فيه اى شيء سائل لانه به فتحات كثيرة فاخذ العسل يتصفى من فتحات الشوال المتعددة نقظة تلو الاخرى حتى نفذ الشوال عن اخره
وما ان وصل داني الى بيته احس ان الشوال خف وزنه واصبح خاليا فصدم صدمه كبيرة وفزع من هول ما اكتشغه لقد نفد الشوال من العسل وليس به اى نقطة اين ذهب العسل ؟؟
لقد وضعت العسل بيدي داخل الشوال ولم اتركه ولو للحظه واحدة ياخسارتاه ، اخذ يصرخ ويقفذ هنا وهناك حتى اتسيقظت امه من نومها وقالت له ماذا حدث ولماذا تصرخ هكذا ؟ فما كان منه الا ان قص عليها ما حدث فاستغربت من تصرفاته واخبرته ان ما حدث لك يابنى لانك تصرفت بانانيه
ولم تفكر في اصدقائك وخنتهم واخذت العسل لوحدك دون علمهم فهذا جزاء الطماع فحزن داني حزنا شديدا ولم يتسطيع ان يخرج مع اصدقائه او يريهم وجهه لعدة ايام واذا به يفاجأ باصدقائه يزورونه في بيته لكى يطمئنوا عليها فاخبروه انهم ذاهبوا الى العش الذي اتفقوا على زيارته الا انهم وجدوا عشا افضل منه وهم في الطريق اليه
وافتقدوا صاحبهم ففرح داني انهم لم يعرفوا بما حدث له وضحك الى والدته وهى تنزر اليه مبتسمه وقرر الا يخذل اصدقائه مره اخرى والا يتصرف بمفرده بعيدا عنهم وان يكونوا معا اصدقاء الى الايد
As usual, the bear Danny and his companions took the bears in search of a new nest for honey bees in order to satisfy their desire to devour the largest amount of honey bees, which they adore and love very much.
And as soon as they find one of the nests in the bosom of a tree, they rejoice and cheer and compete to devour all the available quantity, and that, of course, after making sure that the nest is free of all members of the hive so that they are not exposed to its sting or attack on them and expose them to harm On the evening of one day, the friends gathered and discussed together the places where they will search tomorrow, God willing, for honey, stressing that there is a new and large nest that they had not visited before, and it is full of delicious honey.
Danny was not a bear, but he listened to them and knew the address of the nest well, and decided to wake up early for the time of his meeting with his friends and go alone to the agreed-upon location. Indeed, Danny woke up early and began looking for something to put honey in. He found only a sack of burlap in front of him, so he put it on his shoulder and pulled quietly away. So that no one wakes up from his sleep
And he remembered the location of the nest, so he entered a right between the trees and the other deviated left between the stones until he reached the nest site and found a giant tree embracing the bee’s nest as if he was one of its sons of solace, so he waited until all the members of the beehive came out in search of their food until he reached his hand inside the nest and took the honey scoop with his hand and put it inside Shawwal al-Kish
And it was only a few times until the sack was full and the nest ran out of the last drop of the beautiful white honey. Danny carried the sack on his shoulder and they slipped away so that no one would feel or see him. He will devour the whole amount on his own without any of his friends sharing it, and he did not realize that the burlap sack is not suitable in the first place to put anything liquid in it because it has many holes, so he took the honey to filter from the multiple openings of the sack one drop after the other until the sack was exhausted. And as soon as Danny arrived at his house, he felt that the sack had lost weight and became empty, so he was shocked and horrified by the horror of what he discovered. The sack had run out of honey and there was no point in it. Where did the honey go??
I put the honey in my hand inside the bag and did not leave it even for a single moment, what a loss. He started screaming and jumping here and there until his mother woke up from her sleep and told him what happened and why are you screaming like that? It was only for him to tell her what happened, so she was surprised by his behavior and told him that what happened to you, my son, is b.
And you did not think about your friends and betrayed them and took the honey on your own without their knowledge. This is the reward of greed, so Danny was deeply saddened and could not go out with his friends or show them his face for several days, and if he was surprised by his friends visiting him in his
house in order to check on her, then they told him that they were going to the nest that they agreed to visit, but they found Asha is better than him and they are on the way to him And they missed their friend, so Danny rejoiced that they did not know what happened to him, and he laughed at his mother, while she was smiling at him, and he decided not to let his friends down again, and not to act alone away from them, and to be friends together forever.