سقطت الكرة مسرعة من اعلى قمة الهضبة التى كان يلعب عليها الاولاد عبد الله وعلى وحفص وما كان من على الا ان اخذ يجري مسرعا خلفها وهو يجري والكرة تجري امامه تنزل مسرعه من اعلى الهضبة الى الوادي الفسيح وما هي الا عدة قفزات للكرة حتى استقرت امام فتحه تشبه فتحه كهف كبير
فالتقط على الكرة وشد انتباهه صوت غريب مرعب يخرج من فوهه الكهف فحسه فضوله عازما على الدخول الى هذا الكهف المظلم لكى يكتشف مصدر هذا الصوت المرعب وما ان وضع رجله على باب الكهف الا وسمع صوت حفص من خلفه ينادي عليه ومحذرا اياه من الدخول لذلك الكهف المرعب فتعجب من قول صديقه حفص فباشر حفص بالرد على تعجبه حاكيا له قصه الكهف
فمنذ الازل والاهل والاقارب والاصدقاء وخاصه الاجداد وهم يتوارثون قصه ذلك الكهف فهنالك اسطورة قديمة تقول ان هذا الكهف يسكنه تنين عظيم يخرج من انفه لهيب من النار يخرق به اى شيء يقف امامه فضحك على من كلام حفص غير مصدق لكلامه
وتبادل الاطراف الحديث في ذلك الموضوع الشيق وهما عائدان الى بيتهما وما ان انفرد على في حجرته حتى اخذ يتفكر ويتدبر في ما حكاه له صديقه حفص من هذا الامر حتى نام واذا به يقف امام باب الكهف ممسكا بشعله من النار ومصمما على الدخول ليري ما قصه عليه صديقه
واذا برجليه تصدر صوت طرقعه نتيجه تخبطهما في بعض ومن شدة خوفه من ملاقاه هذا الوحش فسمى الله وتوكل عليه ودخل الكهف متخبطا ببعض الحجارة الملقاة على ارض الكهف ، واذا به فجأة امام وحش ضخم انه التنين العظيم وما ان راه حتى فر مخلفا وراءه الشعله وهو يصرخ ويصيح ففزع التنين واخذ يخرج السنه من النيران الملتهبه من انفه كادت ان تحرق عليا
فاذا بعلى يصيح باعلى وصته اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم لا اله الا الله واخذ يكررها حتى احس بيده تشده من كتفه وصوت يصيح عليه على على استيقظ يابني ماذا بك؟
فاذا بامه متلهفه عليه ويظهر عليها علامات الخوف والقلق على فلذه كبدها على ماذا بك يابني استعذ بالله وناولته ابريق الماء بسم الله وشرب على ثلاث مرات كما علمته امه وحمد الله ، وقص على على امه ما راه في منامه وتذكر ما قصه عليه صديقه حفص فاخبر امه به فقالت له يابنى اولا انت نسيت ان تقول اذكار النوم قبل نومك ثانيا لابد ان تعلم ان حيوان التنين هذا حيوان خرافي اى ليس له وجود
وثالثا يجب ان تختار الاماكن التى تلعب بها على ان تكون اماكن ماهولة وبعيدة عن الاخطار فطأطأ براسه معتذرا لامه على ما سببه لها من القلق وعازما على الا يترك اى ذكر من اذكار الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم واخذته امه بعطف وحنان في حضنها وهما يبتسمان تاركا صورة من اجمل صور الامومة
The ball fell quickly from the top of the plateau on which the children Abdullah, Ali and Hafs were playing, and he only had to run after it while he was running, and the ball was running in front of him, descending quickly from the top of the plateau to the wide valley. A large cave opened it
So he caught the ball and caught his attention with a strange, terrifying sound coming out of the mouth of the cave, so his curiosity made him determined to enter this dark cave in order to discover the source of this terrifying sound. As soon as he put his foot on the door of the cave, he heard the voice of Hafs from behind him calling him and warning him not to enter that terrifying cave, so he was amazed. From what his friend Hafs said, Hafs proceeded to respond to his exclamation, telling him the story of the cave
Since time immemorial, family, relatives, and friends, especially ancestors, have inherited the story of that cave. There is an old legend that says that this cave is inhabited by a great dragon that comes out of its nose a flame of fire that pierces anything standing in front of it. He laughed at those who said Hafs, not believing his words.
And the parties exchanged a conversation on that interesting topic while they were returning to their home, and as soon as Ali was alone in his room, he began to think and reflect on what his friend Hafs told him about this matter until he fell asleep, and then he was standing in front of the door of the cave holding his torch from the fire and determined to enter to see what his friend had told him.
And if his legs made a cracking sound as a result of their bumping into each other and from the intensity of his fear of meeting this monster, he named God and put his trust in Him and entered the cave flopping with some stones lying on the ground of the cave, and suddenly he was in front of a huge monster that was the great dragon and as soon as he saw it he fled leaving behind the flame while he was screaming and shouting So the dragon panicked and took the tongue out of the flaming flames from his nose, which almost burned me
So if Ali shouts at the top of his will, I seek refuge in God from the accursed Satan, there is no god but God, and he repeats it until he feels his hand pulling him from his shoulder and a voice shouts at him, Ali, wake up, my son, what is wrong with you?
So if his mother is yearning for him and showing signs of fear and anxiety over her, then her liver is over what is wrong with you, my son, seek refuge in God, and she gives him a jug of water in the name of God, and he drank three times as his mother taught him, and praise be to God, and Ali narrated to his mother what he saw in his sleep, and he remembered what his friend Hafs told him, so he told his mother about it She said to him, “My son, first of all, you forgot to say the remembrances of sleep before you go to sleep. Secondly, you must know that this dragon animal is a mythical animal, meaning that it does not exist.”
And thirdly, you must choose the places to play in, so that they are inhabited places and far from dangers. He lowered his head, apologizing to his mother for the anxiety he had caused her, and determined not to leave any of the remembrances of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace. The most beautiful maternity pictures
من أشهر القصص قصة أهل الكهف وهي قصة غريبة تحكي حال فتيةٍ فرُّوا بدينهم معتصمين بربهم إلى أن آواهم المبيت إلى كهف نُسبوا إليها فيما بعد..فما هي قصتهم وكيف بدأت؟ تابع هذا المقال الجميل وتعرف: على شأنهم وأمرهم..؟ https://arabicdawateislami.net/blog/295
من أشهر القصص قصة أهل الكهف وهي قصة غريبة تحكي حال فتيةٍ فرُّوا بدينهم معتصمين بربهم إلى أن آواهم المبيت إلى كهف نُسبوا إليها فيما بعد..فما هي قصتهم وكيف بدأت؟ تابع هذا المقال الجميل وتعرف: على شأنهم وأمرهم..؟