كان عبد الرحمن وانس يسيران متوجهين الى السوق لشراء بعض الاغراض لوالدتهم وكان يسكن بجوار منزلهما احد شرطة المدينة
رأى الطفلان هذا الشرطي يجلس ويبدو عليه الحزن فاقتربا منه والقيا عليه السلام وسالاه بادب ماذا بك ياعمنا الحبيب
ولماذا تبدو حزينا قلقا
رد الشرطي : لان عندي اختبار غدا رد انس متعجبا اختبار ؟
رد الشرطي : نعم
لكن اختبارنا يختلف عن اختباركم
فاختبارنا في اللياقة البدنية وسرعه النجدة
عبد الرحمن : وكيف يكون هذا الاختبار
الشرطي : هو اختبار في السرعة والتسلق ولكني لست سريعا جدا
انس : بل انت سريع وماهر ياعمي
وكثيرا ما امسكت بكثير من اللصوص
واعتقد انه يمكنك اجتياز هذا الاختبار بنجاح وان كنت لست سريعا جدا فمع بعض التدريب ستكون كلك وسنساعد في ذلك
قرر عبد الرحمن وانس ان يجمعوا اصدقائهم ويقوموا بسباق كل يوم؟
حتى يشجعوا الشرطي على التدريب حتى يجتاز امتحان اللياقة البدنية بتفوق
بدأ السباق في اليوم الاول ولكن للاسف كان الشرطي ابطأ من الجميع فسبقوه
حزن الشرطي وادرك انه لن يستطيع ان يجتاز اختبار اللياقة البدنية
لكن عبد الرحمن وأنسا التفوا حوله مره اخرى وقالوا له : هذا اول التدريب والتدريب يحتاج لمثابره فلابد من الصبر والاجتهاد
وفي اليوم التالي كان الشرطي قبل الاخير وفي الثالث اصبح الخامس
وهكذا استمر الشرطي في التقدم في السباق كل يوم حتى فاجأ الجميع في اليوم الخامس وكان هو المتسابق الاول ففرح فرحا كثيرا وسعد الاصدقاء بنجاحه
كافأ الشرطي الاطفال بان دعاهم الى نزهه في المساء وبينما هم جالسون في احد المطاعم يتناولون العشاء سمعوا صوتا يصرخ بشدة
النجدة النجدة
انقذوا ابنتي لقد سقطت في حفره
ركض الشرطي بسرعه البرق نحو مصدر الصوت ثم نظر داخل الحفرة فوجد الطفلة الصغيرة عالقه بها فتسلق بحبل الى داخل الحفرة حتى وصل الى الطفلة فامسك بيدها وطمأنها وسحبها حتى رفعها على عاتقه
امر الشرطى البنت ان تضع يديها حول عنقه وتتشبث به حتى يخرجها من الحفره وفعلا استطاع الشرطي ان ينقذها واصعدها للخارج
فسعد والدها كثيرا وحمدوا الله وشكروا الشرطي على صنيعه
فرح الاطفال كثيرا بانقاذ الشرطي للبنت واخبروه ان هذه المره كان اسرع من اى وقت وان سبب ذلك : ان الحافز عنده كان هدفا نبيلا وهو مساعده الاخرين
واخبر الاطفال الشرطي انه اذا تذكر ان مهنته هي اغاثه الناس فحينها سيسرع باقصى ما يستيطع ويتمكن من انقاذهم من اى سوء او خطر
ابتسم الشرطي للاطفال وادرك ان يحفز دائما ان التقدم والاسراع يساعده على مساعده الاخرين
وفي اليوم التالي ذهب الاطفال جميعا مع الشرطي لتشجيعه في اختبار اللياقه البدنية
وبدأ السباق واخذ الشرطي يركض بسرعه كبيره ويتذكر ان حسن تدريبه ونجاحه في الاختبار يساعده اكثر على انقاذ حياه الاخرين
نجح الشرطي بجداره في اختبار اللياقة البدنية
The story of a city policeman
Abdul Rahman and Anas were walking to the market to buy some things for their mother, and a city policeman lived next to their house.
The two children saw this policeman sitting and looking sad, so they approached him and greeted him, peace be upon him, and asked him politely, “What is wrong with you, our beloved uncle?”
Why do you look sad and worried?
The policeman replied: Because I have a test tomorrow. Anas replied in amazement: “A test?”
The policeman replied: Yes
But our test is different from yours
Our test is in physical fitness and speed to rescue
Abdul Rahman: How is this test?
Policeman: It is a test of speed and climbing, but I am not very fast
Anas: Yes, you are fast and skillful, uncle
I often caught many thieves
I believe that you can pass this test successfully, even if you are not very fast, with some training you will be fine and we will help with that
Abdul Rahman and Anas decided to gather their friends and run a race every day?
So they encourage the policeman to train so that he can pass the physical fitness exam with distinction
The race started on the first day, but unfortunately the policeman was slower than everyone else, so they preceded him
The policeman was sad and realized that he would not be able to pass the physical fitness test
But Abdul Rahman and Ansa gathered around him again and said to him: This is the first training and training requires perseverance, patience and diligence are necessary.
The next day he was the penultimate policeman and on the third he became the fifth
Thus, the policeman continued to advance in the race every day until he surprised everyone on the fifth day. He was the first contestant, so he was very happy and pleased his friends with his success.
The policeman rewarded the children by inviting them to an evening outing. While they were sitting in a restaurant eating dinner, they heard a voice shouting loudly.
Help, help
Save my daughter, she fell into a hole
The policeman ran with lightning speed towards the source of the sound, then looked inside the hole and found the little girl stuck in it, so he climbed with a rope into the hole until he reached the girl, so he grabbed her hand, reassured her, and pulled her until he lifted her on his shoulders.
The policeman ordered the girl to put her hands around his neck and hold on to him until he pulled her out of the hole. In fact, the policeman was able to save her and take her out.
Her father was very happy and they thanked God and thanked the policeman for his work
The children were very happy when the policeman rescued the girl, and they told him that this time it was faster than ever, and that the reason for that was: his motivation was a noble goal, which was to help others.
The children told the policeman that if he remembered that his profession was to help people, then he would rush as quickly as possible and be able to save them from any harm or danger.
The policeman smiled at the children and realized that always being motivated, progress and speed would help him help others
The next day, all the children went with the policeman to encourage him in the physical fitness test
The race began and the policeman started running very quickly, remembering that his good training and success in the test helped him more to save the lives of others.
The policeman passed the physical fitness test with flying colors