
super baby

سلسلة اخلاقنا الجميلة - قصه لا لن اكون #وحيداOur beautiful morals series - the story of No, I will not be #alone

 سلسلة اخلاقنا الجميلة - قصه لا لن اكون #وحيداOur beautiful morals series - the story of No, I will not be #alone

اعلنت اداره المدرسة عن قيام رحله الى احد الملاهي فرح التلاميذ كثيرا بهذا الاعلان ولكن وقف عامر حزينا ثم انصرف وجلس مبتعدا عن الجميع 

لاحظ احمد حزن شديد وشرود صديقه عامر اقترب احمد منه وقال له ما بك ياعامر رد عامر قائلا : لا شيء ياصديقي قال احمد : هل ستشترك في الرحلة ؟ قال عامر: لن استطيع ان اكون معكم في هذه الرحلة 

انصرف مسرعا اخذ احمد يفكر في امر صديقه ومرت ثلاثه ايام وعامر متغيب عن المدرسة وشعر احمد ان واجبه ان يزو عامر ليطمئن عليه فهو رغم الصداقه التى تجمع بينه وبين عامر لم يزوره ابدا في بيته 

وذهب احمد لزياره عامر في بيته وعندما وصل الى البيت وجد عامر يجلس في فناء البيت الصغير وحوله كمية كبيرة من الطائرات الورقية التى يقوم بتركيب اجزائها قال احمد لقد جئت لاطمئن عليك 

قال عامر شكرا لك يااحمد دخل احمد بيت عامر المتواضع ووجد والدته ترقد مريضه قال عامر: لقد تغيبت من المدرسة بسبب مرض والدتي ولا يوجد غيري لرعايتها والقيام بعملها وهو صنع الطائرات الورقية

قال احمد ولكن تغيبك عن المدرسة سيؤثر على مستواك الدراسيب قال عامر ساذهب الى المدرسة عندما تتماثل للشفاء نظر احمد الى عامر نظره اعجاب لوفائه تجاه امه وتحمل مسؤليته عملها 

وبعد مرور يومان ذهب عامر الى المدرسة ليجد الترحاب من الجميع لقد حكى احمد للجميع ما فعله عامر من اجل والدته واندهش عندما علم ان ادارة المدرسة قد قررت انه سيشارك في الرحله بدون دفع رسوم اشتراك 

وتقدمت مديرة المدرسة ناحية عامر وقالت لقد قررنا ان نمنحك ايضا لقب الطالب المثالى لهذا العام فرح عامر وشعر بالالفه عندما التف حوله الاصدقاء واخذوا يمطرونه باجمل العبارات 

The school administration announced a trip to an amusement park. The students were very happy with this announcement, but Amer stood sad, then left and sat down, away from everyone.

Ahmed noticed the extreme sadness and distraction of his friend Amer. Ahmed approached him and said to him, “What’s wrong with you, Amer?” Amer replied, saying: “Nothing, my friend.” Ahmed said: “Are you going to participate in the trip?” Amer said: I will not be able to be with you on this trip

He left quickly, and Ahmed began thinking about his friend’s matter. Three days passed and Amer was absent from school, and Ahmed felt that it was his duty to visit Amer to check on him, as despite the friendship between him and Amer, he had never visited him at home.

Ahmed went to visit Amer in his house, and when he arrived home, he found Amer sitting in the courtyard of the small house, and around him was a large amount of kites, the parts of which he was assembling. Ahmed said, “I came to check on you.”

Amer said: Thank you, Ahmed. Ahmed entered Amer’s humble house and found his mother lying ill. Amer said: I was absent from school because of my mother’s illness, and there is no one else to take care of her and do her work, which is making kites.

Ahmed said, “But your absence from school will affect your academic level.” Amer said, “I will go to school when you recover.” Ahmed looked at Amer with admiration for his loyalty towards his mother and his responsibility for her work.

Two days later, Amer went to school to find everyone welcoming him. Ahmed told everyone what Amer had done for his mother, and he was astonished when he learned that the school administration had decided that he would participate in the trip without paying a subscription fee.

The school principal approached Amer and said, “We have decided to also give you the title of ideal student for this year.” Farah Amer felt a sense of familiarity when his friends gathered around him and began to shower him with the most beautiful expressions.

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