
super baby

قصه رحلة في الريف - قصص مترجمة عربي - انجليزي


في نهاية الأسبوع، قررت عائلة رامي القيام برحلة إلى الريف، فاستقبل رامي وأخته ندى هذا الخبر بحماس كبير،

وسرعان ما بدأا بتحضير حقائبهما. في الصباح الباكر، انطلقت العائلة إلى الريف وبمجرد وصولهم، انطلق رامي
متحمساً ليستكشف الحقول والتلال كان يتنقل بحيوية، يظهر مرة ويختفي أخرى، مما أثار استغراب والديه، لكنهما
لم يعيرا الأمر الكثير من الاهتمام.

عندما حان وقت الغداء، جلس الجميع لتناول الطعام، واقترب رامي من أخته ندى وبدأ يهمس لها بشيء ما دون أن
يسمعه أحد. ابتسمت ندى وملأت صحنها بالخضار،

ثم توجهت معه إلى خلف التلة اندهش والداهما من تصرفهما
وقررا تتبعهما بهدوء. عندما اختفى رامي وندى عن أنظار والديهما، شعر الوالدان بالقلق. وفجأة،

شاهدهما الأب وهما يدخلان إلى كهف. ركض خلفهما بسرعة خوفاً من أن يصيبهما مكروه، وعندما دخل الكهف، تفاجأ بما رآه!

كان رامي وندى يطعمان الأرنب وصغارها بالخضار. اقترب منهما الأب، شاكراً على ما فعلاه، لكنه نصحهما بإخباره
في المرة القادمة؛ لتجنب أي مخاطر قد تواجههما.

At the end of the week, Rami's family decided to go on a trip to the countryside. Rami and his sister Nada received this news with great enthusiasm,

and quickly started preparing their bags. Early in the morning, the family set off to the countryside. As soon as they arrived, Rami

set off excitedly to explore the fields and hills. He was moving around energetically, appearing and disappearing, which surprised his parents, but they

did not pay much attention to it.

When it was time for lunch, everyone sat down to eat, and Rami approached his sister Nada and began whispering something to her without anyone hearing him. Nada smiled and filled her plate with vegetables,

then she headed with him behind the hill. Their parents were surprised by their behavior

and decided to follow them quietly. When Rami and Nada disappeared from their parents' sight, their parents became worried. Suddenly,

the father saw them entering a cave. He ran quickly after them, fearing that something bad might happen to them, and when he entered the cave, he was surprised by what he saw!

Ramy and Nada were feeding the rabbit and her babies vegetables. The father approached them, thanking them for what they did, but advised them to tell him next time; to avoid any dangers that they might face.

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