قصة سنبلة القمح The story of the wheat ear
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قصة سنبلة القمح
في قديم الزمان كان هناك حاكم لا يحب كبار السن والعجائز لانهم لا يقدرون على العمل لذا قرر ان يطردهم جميعا من البلاد
لكن شابا شجاعا ذكيا اسمه باسم لم يهتم بامر الملك ولم يطاوعه قلبه ان يطرد اباه فخبأه في مكان سري بالبيت
وكان للحاكم ابنه جميلة اراد ان يزوجها من اذكى شاب في البلاد عرف الشباب الخبر فتوجهوا الى قصر الحاكم واجتمع الحاكم بهم وقال لهم: سازوج ابنتي لاذكي شاب فيكم
عليكم ان تأتوا الى القصر غدا وقد زين كل منكم ملابسه بافضل زهره
انصرف باسم الى البيت ثم ذهب الى والده يطلب منه النصيحة قال الاب : اسمع يابني عشت في الدنيا زمنا طويلا ولم اعرف افضل من سنبلة القمح
خذ سنبله قمح من الحقل وعلقها على صدرك
فعل باسم ما نصحه به ابوه وسخر الشباب من باسم وضحكوا من سنبلة القمح التي يضعها على صدره ولكن الحاكم نادى صاحب السنبلة وقال : لقد احضرت ياباسم افضل زهور الدنيا حقا انت تستحق ان ازوجك ابنتى الوحيدة
لكن اخبرني اولا من اين لك بهذه الحكمة وانت صغير السن؟
تقدم باسم نحو الحاكم في شجاعه وحكى قصته مع ابيه الشيخ
سمع الحاكم كلام باسم وعرف انه قد اخطأ عندما امر بطرد الشيوخ وكبار السن فاعادهم واوصى الناس ان يبروا اباءهم
The story of the wheat ear
Once upon a time, there was a ruler who did not like the elderly and the old because they were unable to work, so he decided to expel them all from the country
But a brave and intelligent young man named Basem did not care about the king's order and his heart did not allow him to expel his father, so he hid him in a secret place in the house
The ruler had a beautiful daughter and wanted to marry her to the smartest young man in the country. The young men knew the news, so they went to the ruler's palace. The ruler met with them and said to them: I will marry my daughter to the smartest young man among you
You must come to the palace tomorrow, and each of you has decorated his clothes with the best flower
Basem went home and then went to his father to ask him for advice. The father said: Listen, my son, I have lived in this world for a long time and I have not known anything better than an ear of wheat
Take an ear of wheat from the field and hang it on your chest
Basem did what his father advised him to do and the young men mocked Basem and laughed at the ear of wheat that he was placing on his chest, but the ruler called the owner of the ear and said : You have brought, Bassem, the best flowers in the world. You truly deserve for me to marry you to my only daughter.
But tell me first, where did you get this wisdom from when you are so young?
Bassem approached the ruler bravely and told his story with his father, the sheikh.
The ruler heard Bassem's words and knew that he had made a mistake when he ordered the expulsion of the sheikhs and elderly, so he brought them back and advised the people to be dutiful to their fathers.