ظلت ناهد تجتهد في دراستها حتى اصبحت من اوائل الناجحات
Mona said to her colleague, Nahid, sitting next to her in the school class,: What will we be when we grow up? Nahed asked her: What do you mean?
Mona said: For example, I want to be a teacher.
And you, what do you wish you to be?
Nahed said after a while
I want to become a lawyer to defend the oppressed
On the next day, when the teacher came and explained the lesson, she started to ask the students the same questions that Nahed heard from her friend, and the students took the answer to the teacher until the role came to Nahid: What do you wish you to be?
I thought Nahed for a moment !!
Then she said
I want to be a teacher to teach the students
After the lesson ended
Mona angrily said to her: You told me words and told the teacher other words
Nahed remembered what she told her yesterday, and she felt a little embarrassed when she said: No ... I know
I regret ... I hadn't thought about this before, Nahid returned to the house and told her mother what had happened, so I asked her mother and what do you want to become, Nahid?
Nahed said
I ..
I want to be a doctor to treat people and have a clinic
The mother raised her daughter when she said: Mona has a right, my daughter
Each of us must have a goal in his life trying to strive to achieve this goal
Then her mother let her think about these words
After a long thought
She said to herself
Yes, I must have a goal in my life and I must strive to achieve this goal
And really ..
Nahid strived to study her, until she became one of the first successful women
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