فتم بناء الكوخ بسرعه وبدون تعب كبير
There were three friends who lived on a hill, namely the elephant, the rabbit, and the mouse
One day, they all agreed to build a hut for them from clay, straw and wood
And before they start building, they draw lots so that they can divide the work between them
The bunny’s share was to dig the foundation of the house and the mouse made bricks from the clay ponds and the elephant put straw on the ceiling
The work was difficult and going very slowly until the friends almost surrendered to despair and stopped building the house because they were unable after continuous days of continuous effort
Except by building a small corner of the hut
My turtle friends passed by and they saw this way
She had despair, so I asked them why?
They told her their story and their inability to build the hut
The old turtle smiled softly when I heard the story and said to them: Do you not see that your work in construction needs to be re-divided ??
With his strength, an elephant can make bricks from the mud pool with its skill and speed
While the mouse can easily cut enough wood with its sharp teeth
And the bunny lightly puts straw on the ceiling carefully
You can build a beautiful cottage quickly and easily
Then she said to them
The idea is not always in hard, continuous and diligent work only
Rather, you should know well your abilities and skills in order to use them to get the best results
Thanks turtle friends
Then they divided work among them as advised
The hut was built quickly and without much fatigue
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