
super baby

قصة القرد الصغير The story of the little monkey قصص اطفال قبل النوم

The story of the little monkeyقصة القرد الصغير 

اشتكى القرد الصغير لامه عن سوء معاملة الاسد له 
فقالت له : ربما قمت بتصرف خاطيء اغضبه وانصحك بالا تتحدث مع احد في هذا الموضوع
لم يهتم القرد بنصيحه امه وذهب للثعلب واشتكى له من الاسد 
قال الثعلب جاءتك الفرصه التى ستجعل الاسد يحبك 
اذهب وتسلل الى مخزن النمر اثناء غيابه واسرق جوالا ممتليء باللحم
وقدمه للاسد 
ذهب القرد وتسلل الى مخزن النمر وهناك وجد جوالين مغلقان فحمل الاخف منهما 
وذهب به الى الاسد وانتظر منه الشكر والتقدير 
فتح الاسد الجوال فوجده ممتليء بالحشائش
غضب الاسد وقال بصوت مرتفع : اتسخر منى ايها القرد 
شعر القرد بخوف كبير وقبل ان يفتك الاسد به اسرعت الام وعنفت ابنها 
ثم قالت للاسد
انت تعلم ان ولدى يحبك كثيرا واراد ان يعبر لك عن حبه 
ولكنه لم يحسن التصرف وتسرع كعادته 
فارجو ان تسامحه 
عفا الاسد عن القرد ودخل الى عرينه والجوع يكاد يقتله 
اخذت الام ولدها القرد وسالته عن حكايه جوال الحشائش فقال لها 
لقد خدعنى الثعلب ياامي وجعلني اسرق
حزنت الام ثم ذهبت باابنها الى الثعلب فوجدته يستقبلها بالضحك 
فقالت له : تضحك ايها الماكر لانك خدعت صغيري وجعلته لصا 
قال الثعلب : لا اضحك لذلك 
ولكن !!
لان ولدك تسرع وذهب لمخزن صديقنا الثور 
قالت الام لولدها : هل علمت الان لماذا لا يحسن الاسد معاملتك ؟
لانك تسرع دائما 
ولا تفكر قبل تنفيذ ما يطلب منك 
تخطيء فيغصب منك الجميع 
اين عقلك الذكي ياولدي؟؟
قال القرد : لقد تعلمت اليوم درسا غيرني كثيرا واعدك بحسن التفكير وعدم التسرع 
وعندما علم الاسد بما فعله الثعلب قرر طرده من الغابة واصبح القرد من المقربين اليه بعد ان استخدم عقله

The little monkey complained to his mother about the lion's mistreatment of him

She said to him: Perhaps you have acted wrongly, angered him, and advised you not to talk to anyone about this issue

The monkey did not heed his mother's advice and went to the fox and complained to him about the lion

The fox said you have the chance to make the lion love you

Go and sneak into the pantry store during his absence and steal a cell phone full of meat

Serve it to the lion

The monkey went and sneaked into the panther's store, where he found two sacks closed, and he carried the lightest of them

He went to Assad and waited for him thanks and appreciation

The mobile lion opened and found it full of grass

The lion got angry and said loudly: "I laugh at me, monkey."

The monkey felt very afraid, and before the lion destroyed it, the mother hurried and battered her son

Then she said to the lion

You know that my son loves you a lot and he wants to express his love to you

But it did not act well and speeded up as usual

Please forgive him

The lion pardoned the monkey and entered his lair, and hunger nearly killed him

The mother took her son, the monkey, and asked him about the story of the worm's mobile, so he told her

The fox deceived me, made me steal

The mother was sad, then she went with her son to the fox and found him receiving laughter

She said to him: You laugh, cunning, because you deceived my baby and made him a thief

Fox said: I do not laugh for that

But !!

Because your child rushed and went to the store of our friend Taurus

The mother said to her son: Did you know now why is Assad not improving your treatment?

Because you always speed up

And do not think before carrying out what you are asked


Make a mistake everyone is mad at you

Where is your smart mind, boy ??

The monkey said: Today I learned a lesson that changed me a lot and helped you to think well and not to rush

When the lion learned what the fox had done, he decided to drive him out of the woods and become the monkey close to him after he used his mind

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