وجاء اليوم الثاني وسارة كلها أماني فمازالت لديها آمال كثيرة لتعرف أسرار القرية الصغيرة
فبالامس عرفت ابا قردان واليوم رأت شيئا جميلا ليس له في المدينة مثيل شكله دائري
وبه أدوار والادوار بها فتحات يقف عليه جمع الحمام ثم يطير
ويعود للمكان فسألت عنه عمها وهدان فقال لها : انه برج الحمام
ورأت واقتربت من الصغار فهم لا يقوون على الطيران ثم تعلقت بهم سارة وامسكت حمامة ريشها مميز وكانه علامة
أخذت سارة الحمامة الى البيت ووضعتها بقفص لكى تبيت ، ضعفت الحمامة وأصبحت هزيلة وهي لا تملك لها حيلة
وليس لديها بإطعامها وسيلة فسألت سارة عمها وهدان فقال: ليس بالامكان ان تعيش الحمامة بلا طيران
فأخرجتها سارة من القفص بأمان وانطلقت الحمامة في الطيران وحلقت قليلا فوق المكان ثم اتجهت الى برج الحمام
Sarah's diary in the countryside
The story of the Pigeon
The second day and Sarah are all aspirations and still have many hopes to know the secrets of the small village
Yesterday, I knew Abu Qirdan and today she saw something beautiful that in the city has no parallel in its shape.
And it has roles, and the floors have openings, on which the pigeon stands, and then it flies
Returning to the place, I asked her uncle Wahdan about him, and he said to her: It is a pigeon
She saw and approached the little ones, because they could not fly, then Sarah clung to them and caught a dove whose distinctive feathers were like a sign.
Sarah took the dove home and put her in a cage to sleep, the dove weakened and became meager and she had no trick
She had no means of feeding her, so Sarah asked her uncle Wahdan and said: It is not possible for the dove to live without flying
Sarah pulled her safely out of the cage, and the pigeon set off to fly and flew a little over the place, then headed to the pigeon