استجابت سارة لنداء العم وهدان فلقد خرج الجميع الى الغيطان ولم يطل به الانتظار فلقد نزلت سارة
وحملها معه العم على الحمار يسير في سكينه وطرقه امينة
واستمرت رحلة سارة وهى تسجل بمهارة الصفات والعادات وتتعرف على الطيور والحيوانات
وتذهب الى الحقول باستمرار ومن هنا تعرفت على الحمار فهو يحملها من البيت الى الغيط يعرف المكان
سبحان الخالق المبدع الرحمن ! يعرف صاحبه ولا يعاتبه دوره كبير ويفعل الكثير
وينقل الغلال كالقمح والشعير هاديء وديع يساعد الجميع لا يغضب ولا يضيق وصوته نهيق
ويتحمل منا مالا غيره يطيق موصوف بالغباء مع ما به من ذكاء ورمز للعناء ويحمل المتاع في ادب وانصياع
هو الاقرب الى الفلاح فهو يقوم معه في الصباح فأخته ساره لها صديق ولا يزعجها هذا النهيق
Sarah's diary in the countryside
The story of a meek donkey helps everyone
Sarah answered the call of Uncle Wahdan. Everyone went to the desert, and he was not waiting for too long. Sarah came out
And the uncle carried it with him on the donkey, walking in his knife and knocking him safe
Sarah's journey continues, with skillful attributes and customs, and she recognizes birds and animals
She goes to the fields continuously, and from here I got to know the donkey, because he carries it from home to Ghit, who knows the place
Glory be to the Creator, the Most Merciful! He knows his owner and does not blame him for his great role and does much
And it transports crops like wheat and barley, quiet and gentle, which helps everyone not to be angry or distressed, and his voice braying
And he bears the money of others that endures described by stupidity with its intelligence and symbol of trouble and carries the goods in literature and compliance
He is closest to the farmer, so he rises with him in the morning, so his sister Sarah has a friend, and this braying does not bother her