يعبر السدود ويطير ويعود لكي يمتص الرحيق الكثير ، ليصنع لنا العسل الجميل افضل الطعام
وموصوف للالام ويكفيه شرفا ذكره فيا لقران وصوته يسمى دوي
ذهبت سارة بخطوات سريعة لترى الخلية على الطبيعة ، فرأت سارة وياللعجب النحل يتعامل بلطف وادب يخرجون منذ الصباح ويشعرون بالارتياح
الكل يعرف حقوقه وواجباته ويحترم التزاماته
ويوجد ملكة بداخل الخلية كلامها مطاع والكل لها ينصاع
الخلية صندوق خشبي صغير به فتحة واحدة لدخول وخروج النحل ولها اربعة ارجل ترفعها عن الارض حتى لا يصل اليها الماء
ولها غطاء كبير يفتح عند اخذ البرواز الذي يحمل اقراص الشمع وبها العسل وعندما يأتي الغروب يطير النحل ويعود ليقضي ليلته بداخل خليته
Sarah's diary in the countryside
The story of Sarah and the bees
Hana and Sara went out to enjoy nature and its wonderful trees, and Sarah saw bees gathering beautifully and audibly loudly.
He crosses the dams, flies, and returns so that the nectar absorbs so much, that beautiful honey makes us the best food
It is described for the mother, and it is sufficient for him to honor him in the Qur’an, and his voice is called Dwi
Sarah went with a quick step to see the hive on the ground, so she saw Sarah with astonishing bees dealing with kindness and politeness coming out since morning and feeling comfortable
Everyone knows their rights and duties and respects their obligations
There is a queen inside the cell whose words are obedient and everyone has obedience
The hive has a small wooden box with one hole for the bees to enter and exit and it has four legs that lift it off the ground so that the water does not reach it
It has a large cap that opens when taking the frame that carries the wax tablets with honey. When the sunset comes, the bees fly and return to spend the night inside their cell.