قصص اطفال قبل النوم - عودة الأسد شديد (10) Lion's return is severe
يوميات الأسد شديد
الحلقة العاشرة والاخيرة
عودة الأسد شديد
كان لابد لعلاج ابن هذا الملك ان يأكل كبد وقلب ومخ حمار ، لم اعلم بعدها ما حدث وصار ، وانه سيعالج ابنه بالاعتداءات وقتل الحمار ، وياليت مندور انقذ ابنه بعد الذي فعله ، فقد عاد ليجد ابنه قد انتهى اجله
دون ان ادري تسببت في ان الملك مندور يرتكب الجريمة وان الرحمة في قلبه عديمه وفي هذا الوقت هلل الجميع فرحين بسعادة ، بعد ان اصبحت الادلة ضد الاسد مندور المغرور كما هو المطلوب وزيادة
وتشاور القضاة الكبار ، ثم اتخذوا القرار ، بعد ذلك امروا الضباط والجنود بامساك الاسد مندور من وسط الحشود ، ولكنه غضب وثار وقال : ما اسود هذا النهار تحاكمون ملككم الجبار وكل هذا بسبب الحمار
ثم حاول الهرب من المكان ، فأسرع يحيط به كل حيوان ، وامسك به الضباط والجنود ، وقالوا له : هذا سجنك يانمرود ، لن تخرج من هذا السجن ابدا والى ملكك لن تعود ان كل الحيوانات عليك شهود
انهار الاسد مندور واخذ في سجنه يدور ثم قال كنت اريد انقاذ ابني ، ولكن مات ابنى ،كنت اريد الملك ، ولكن ضاع الملك ، كنت اخطط لامتلاك كل شيء واحكم كل شيء والان ضاع كل شيء ثم اخذ يبكي بشدة
والتفت الحيوانات حول الاسد شديد يدعون له بالعمر المديد وقالوا : انت الان ملكنا وستكون خير املنا قال الاسد شديد ، الان سيكون الحكم جديدا سيأخذ كل ذي حق حقه وسأتولى انا امره
وسأحكم بينكم بالعدل ولن يكون لى عليكم فضل فبعد مرارة الظلم ، تحقق الان الحلم
Leo Diary is severe
The tenth and final episode
Lion's return is severe
Suddenly he came from the audience, a famous doctor, stood in front of everyone and said: I do not imagine this horrific matter, for I am the doctor who described to the King Mandour what his son was treated with, who had a well-known disease.
It was necessary to treat the son of this king that he eats the liver, heart and brain of a donkey, after which I did not know what happened and happened, and that he would treat his son with assaults and killing the donkey, and Ialit Mandour saved his son after what he did, as he returned to find his son had expired
Without knowing it, I caused that King Mandour commits the crime and that mercy in his heart is absent, and at this time everyone rejoiced happily, after the evidence against the conceited lion became more and more
The senior judges consulted, then they made a decision, after that they ordered the officers and soldiers to catch the lion standing in the middle of the crowd, but he got angry and revolted and said: What black this day you are judging your mighty king and all this because of the donkey
Then he tried to flee from the place, and every animal surrounded him faster, and the officers and soldiers caught him, and told him: This is your prison Yanmrud, you will never get out of this prison and to your property you will not return that all the animals are witnesses
The lion collapsed and started spinning in his prison, then he said: I wanted to save my son, but my son died, I wanted the king, but the king was lost, I was planning to own everything and rule everything and now everything is lost and then he started crying severely
The animals wrapped around the lion Jadid calling for a long life and said: You are now ours and you will be our best hope.
I will judge among you with justice, and I will not have any favor on you. After the bitterness of injustice, the dream is now fulfilled
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