It is said that
The seats in the classroom were large, and three students sat on each seat, so Mustafa, Omar and Yazid sat on one seat, and one day he entered the classroom before the morning queue and he had a blackboard pen and wrote on the seat the seat of friends Mustafa - Omar - Yazid
Yazid went to the classroom and attended the morning queue with his colleagues, and after the queue ended, he told them: You will find a happy surprise on our seat in the classroom. Farah Mustafa and Omar started to think, I wonder what a surprise Yazid !! I think it is a nice gift, Mustafa said, while Omar said I think it is delicious food
The students arrived to their classes, and Mustafa and Omar in the classroom were surprised by what was written on the bench, so Omar smiled and said this is beautiful, well done oh ...
Mustafa said: This seat is intended for us to sit on, not to write on it or distort it. This seat is a trust from the school that we must preserve. Yazid said: This seat belongs to us, and no one will participate in it. Mustafa said, have I forgotten all those who will come after we leave the class next year?
Meanwhile, the teacher entered, and knew what he had done and what Mustafa said, so he said that Mustafa was right, so Yazid said: And why is he right, sir !! The teacher said that we must be careful about what we all have more than we are keen on what belongs to us alone because that represents Out of love for our school and our country
Then the teacher turned to Mustafa and said to him: I thank you, Mustafa, for your behavior, because it indicates respect and awareness that we all need towards the school.
The teacher said: Who among us does not like to make those who love them happy? But without spoiling the school's property, Yazid apologized to Mustafa, so Mustafa forgave him. The next day, Yazid brought a piece of cloth, removed the colors, and wiped completely what he had done with the seat. His classmates thanked him and Mustafa embraced him with his friends.
Thanks to the teacher more than what he did, then the teacher instructed the pupils to write a topic of an expression entitled: The school is the second home for every student
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