اراد الارنب الصغير ان يخرج للتنزه في الحقول القريبة من منزله، فاستأذن امه في الخروج فوافقت على طلبه بشرط ان يخرج معه اخوه الاكبر والا يفعل شيئا الا بأذنه
وبينما هما يسيران رأى الارنب الصغير حقلا واسعا به خس وجزر فاسرع نحوه ليأكل منه فتبعه اخوه الاكبر ومنعه
واخبره بأنه يجب عليه ان يستأذن صاحب الحقل العم حسان قبل ان يأكل منه شيئا ولكن الارنب الصغير كان جائعا فهرب من اخيه وظل يأكل من الحقل حتى امتلأت معدته بالطعام
وعندما رجع الارنب الكبير مع اخيه الى البيت اخبر امه بما حدث من اخيه الصغير فغضبت غضبا شديدا وبعد فترة صرخ الارنب الصغير شاكيا الما شديدا في معدته
وبينما هو على هذه الحالة اذ طرق الباب العم حسان وكان قد علم بما فعله الارنب الصغير وبعد ان فتحت الام الباب اخبرها العم حسان بانه رش الزرع الذى اكل منه الارنب الصغير بمبيد حشري ليقتل الحشرات الضارة التى تفسد الزرع
واعطاها دواء يساعد في تهدئه الالم الناتج عن اكل الزرع بما عليه من مبيد حشري وبعد ان تناول الارنب الصغير الدواء هذأ الالم وعاد الى حالته الطبيعية
شكر الارنب الصغير العم حسان واعتذر عما فعله ووعده الا يعود الى مثلها ابدا ابتسم العم حسان ووعد الارنب الصغير ان يأتى له بما يريده من الخس والجزر بعد ان ينتهى مفعول المبيد الحشري
ندم الارنب الصغير على ما فعله وعاهد امه الا يعصى امرها بعد اليوم كما اعتذر الى اخيه الاكبر ووعده ان يطيع امره في كل صغيرة وكبيرة
The little rabbit wanted to go out for a walk in the fields near his house, so his mother asked his permission to go out, and she agreed to his request on the condition that his older brother go out with him and do nothing without his permission.
While they were walking, the little rabbit saw a large field of lettuce and carrots, so he ran towards him to eat some of them. His older brother followed him and prevented him.
And he told him that he should seek permission from the owner of the field, Uncle Hassan, before he could eat anything from it, but the little rabbit was hungry, so he ran away from his brother and kept eating from the field until his stomach was filled with food.
And when the big rabbit came home with his brother, he told his mother what had happened to his little brother, and she got very angry, and after a while the little rabbit screamed complaining of severe pain in his stomach.
While he was in this state, Uncle Hassan knocked on the door, and he knew what the little rabbit had done, and after the mother opened the door, Uncle Hassan told her that he had sprayed the plants from which the little rabbit ate, with an insecticide to kill the harmful insects that spoil the plants.
And he gave her a medicine that helps relieve the pain caused by eating the plant with the insecticide on it, and after the little rabbit took the medicine, the pain subsided and returned to its normal state.
The little rabbit thanked Uncle Hassan and apologized for what he had done and promised that he would never return to the same way. Uncle Hassan smiled and promised the little rabbit that he would bring him what he wanted of lettuce and carrots after the effect of the insecticide had expired.
The little rabbit regretted what he had done and promised his mother that he would not disobey her order after today, as he apologized to his older brother and promised him to obey his command in every small and big