اعتاد الاسد على السهر والسمر كل ليلة بعرينه مع اصدقائه من الحيوانات التى تتود اليه دائما ويشيدون بجميع قراراته الخاصه بالغابه حتى وان كانت خاطئه كان الاسد سعيدا ويظن انه محظوظ لان لديه الكثير من الاصدقاء الاوفياء
وذات ليلة دخل الارنب العرين وقال للاسد : يامولاي جئت اشكو اليك الثعلب فانه دائم المطارده لاولادى الصغار بالرغم من ان قانون الغابة يحرم افتراس الحيوانات الصغيرة فرد عليه الاسد في ضيق : كيف تجرؤ على دخول عريني وقطع صفو جلستى مع اصدقائي بهذه الطريقه ايها الارنب
قال الارنب :/ اصدقائك !! اى اصدقاء !! انما هم مجموعة من المنافقين يحيطون بك من اجل قوتك ونفوذك فرد عليه الاسد في ضجر وصوت مرتفع : كيف تجرؤ على اهانة اصدقائي ايها الارنب الحقير .... اخرج من هنا والا امرت بقتلك في الحال
خرج الارنب وهو حزين لا يجد اى حيلة لحماية اولاده الصغار سوى اتخاذ اماكن خفية وبعيدة ، مرت الايام وذات مره كان الارنب يسير امام عرين الاسد لكنه تعجب وقال لنفسه : مال هذا العرين يبدو عليه الهدوء والصمت ولا اسمع صيحات وضحكات الحيوانات كالعادة
فتسلل بحذر شديد لكى يعلم ما الخبر ؟ فوجد الاسد ملقيا على الارض يعانى من الاوجاع والمرض الشديد ، تقدم الارنب نحو الاسد الذى رفع رأسه بصعوبة عندما شاهد الارنب امامه وقال: ارى في عينيك الشماته ايها الارنب
قال الارنب : لا يامولاى فانما انظر اليك بعين الشفقة والرحمة ، واود ان اسال سؤلا : اين الحيونات الكثيرة التى كانت تحيط بك وكنت تظن انهم اصدقاءك المقربون ؟ خفض الاسد رأسه وقال بصوت منخفض : لقد تركونى جميعا بعد ان ضعفت قوتى وقله حيلتى فقال له الارنب : لا تقلق ايها الاسد فانى لن اتركك وساحضر لك الدواء الذى يخفف اوجاعك ومرضك باذن الله
جاب الارنب انحاء الغابه حتى عثر على الدواء المناسب للاسد واحضره له وحرص على زيارته كل يوم حتى تعافي من مرضه نهائيا واستعاد صحته وقوته وحينئذ قال الاسد للارنب : اشكرك ايها الارنب فانت لم تتركنى حين تخلى عنى الجميع فقال له الارنب : لا شكر على واجب يامولاي
قال الاسد : لقد علمت انك انت الصديق حقا وتعلمت ان كل مخلوق له نفوذ لا يمكن ان يعلم اصدقاءه الا بعد ان تزول قوته وينتهى نفوذه فحينئذ لا يقف بجواره الا الصديق الوفي
The Deceived Lion - New Children's Stories
The lion used to stay up late every night in his den with his friends from the animals that always love him and praise all his decisions in the jungle even if they were wrong. The lion was happy and thinks that he is lucky because he has many loyal friends
One night, the rabbit entered the den and said to the lion: “Lord, I have come to complain to you about the fox, for it is always chasing after my little children, although the law of the jungle forbids preying on small animals.” The lion replied to him in distress: How dare you enter my den and break my session with my friends in this way, Rabbit
Bunny said: Friends!! any friends!! They are a group of hypocrites surrounding you because of your power and influence. The lion replied to him in boredom and in a loud voice: How dare you insult my friends, you despicable bunny.... Get out of here, or I will order you to be killed at once.
The rabbit came out sad and did not find any way to protect his young children except to take hidden and distant places. The days passed and once the rabbit was walking in front of the lion's den, but he was surprised and said to himself: The money of this den seems calm and silent and I do not hear the screams and laughter of the animals as usual
So he sneaked very carefully in order to know what the news was? He found the lion lying on the ground suffering from aches and severe illness, the rabbit advanced towards the lion, who raised his head with difficulty when he saw the rabbit in front of him and said: I see in your eyes gloating, you rabbit
The rabbit said: No, my lord, I look at you with eyes of pity and mercy, and I would like to ask a question: Where are the many animals that surrounded you and you thought they were your close friends? The lion lowered his head and said in a low voice: They have all left me after my strength has weakened and my tricks have diminished. The rabbit said to him: Do not worry, lion, for I will not leave you, and I will bring you the medicine that relieves your pain and disease, God willing.
The rabbit roamed all over the forest until he found the right medicine for the lion and brought it to him. He made sure to visit him every day until he recovered from his illness once and for all and regained his health and strength. Then the lion said to the rabbit: Thank you, rabbit, for you did not leave me when everyone abandoned me. The rabbit said to him: No thanks for the duty, my lord.
The lion said: I have learned that you are the true friend, and I have learned that every creature has influence that cannot know its friends until after its power has ceased and its influence ends, then only a loyal friend will stand next to it.