تبتعد الام عن المسرح ويخرج عمرة الى الشارع وتبقي علا وحدها على المسرح ويبدو
انها قد ملت من اعمال المنزل وتقترب علا من الجمهور وتقول : فرصه جميلة لقد اصبحت بمفردي معكم واريد ان ابوح لكم بسر يضايقنى ومشكله تورقني مشكلتى اننى
اتمنى ان اصبح ولدا مثل اخي عمرو
اخرج الى الشارع لاشتري الاشياء اتاخر خارج المنزل حتى الثامنه مساء لقد سئمت من
اعمال المنزل لماذا الاولاد ياخذون حريتهم اكثر من البنات؟
هل اجد عندكم حلا؟
ثم تسمع خطوات اخيها عمرو قادما من الخارج فتقول لقد اتى اخى عمرو سوف نكمل فيما بعد
ثم تتجه بالاطباق الى المطبخ
ثم يظهر عمرو على المسرح ويقترب من الجمهور قائلا لقد سمعت حوار اختي علا معكم دون قصد والله
لقد كان صوتها عاليا يقول متعجبا: والله انا الذي احسدها على الجلوس في المنزل
مرتاحه افضل من الخروج الى الشارع في الشمس والحر واحيانا اخرى في البرد والمطر
انا الذي اريد ان اعرف لماذا الخوف والحنان من الاهل على البنت اكثر من الاولاد؟
ياليتكم تجدون لى ردا على هذه الاسئله التى تحيرني
يبدو ان احدهم قادم سوف نكمل فيما بعد ويخرج عمرو من المسرح
ثم تأتي الام وتقترب من الجمهور وتقول : اسمحوا لى لقد سمعت مشكله عمرو وعلا
وانا اعرفها من زمن واريد ان اتفق معكم على حيله لنصحح بها افكارهما فعلا لا احد
يرضي بحاله
ثم تنادي على عمرو وعلا وعندما ياتيان تقول لهما عندى مفاجاه لكما سوف نقوم غدا
بتغيير ديكور المنزل حتى لا نشعر بالملل
عمر وعلا: فكره جميله ياامي
الام : والمفاجاه الاكبر سوف يقوم عمرو بمساعدتى في اعمال المنزل غدا وسوف تقوم
علا بالنرول الى الشارع لشراء متطلباتنا كنوع من التغيير
عمرو وعلا في سعاده: الله ياامي فليحيا التغيير انت رائعه ياامي نتمى ان ياتى غدا بسرعه
اليوم التالى
تأتي علا من الخارج وهي في حالة يرثي لها وتبكي
الام: ما بك ياعلا ؟ ماذا حدث ؟
علا وهى تبكي: لقد وقعت الاشياء منى في الشارع وضحك بعض الناس والبعض الاخر
قام بتوصيلي الى باب المنزل
عد اذنك ياامي لن انزول الى الشارع مره اخرى انا مكانى المنزل الحمد لله اننى فتاه ان
اعمال المنزل اسهل بكثير اين اخي عمرو؟
ثم نجد عمرو قادما من الداخل وقد ربط ذراعه وراسه بالشاش تضحك علا بعد ان كانت
تبكي وتقول ماذا حدث له ياامي؟
الام: كان يساعدني في اعمال المنزل وتزحلق على البلاط فوقع على ذراعه وارتطمت
راسه بالارض
علا: سلامتك ياعمرو
عمرو: سلامتي؟ اين هى سلامتى انا لن اساعد في اعمال المنزل مره اخري
انا وظيفتي شراء المتطلبات من السوق وينظر الى السماء قائلا : الحمد لله اننى ولد ان اعمال المنزل صعبه جدا
الام : هكذا يااولادي لابد ان نحمد الله على الوظيفة التى اختارها الله لنا ان الله لا يظلم احدا ولابد ان يرضى كل منا بنصيبه
عمرو وعلا: بصوت واحد الحمد لله الحمد لله
School theater series The story of a boy and a girl
There is a dining table in the middle of the theater, and this family has finished eating, and there are empty plates on the table Mother: Come on, Ola, clean the table and put the dishes in Ola: Yes, Mom Mother: And you, Umrah, go and buy what I asked of you, and do not be late Amr: Yes, mother
The mother moves away from the stage, and Amra goes out into the street. Ola remains alone on the stage, and it seems that she is tired of the housework. Ola approaches the audience and says: It is a good opportunity. I am alone with you, and I want to reveal to you a secret that bothers me. My problem is that I wish to become a boy like my brother Amr I go out to the street to buy things I am late outside the house until eight in the evening I am tired of the housework Why do boys take their freedom more than girls? Do you have a solution? Then she hears the steps of her brother Amr coming from outside, and she says, My brother Amr has come, we will continue later Then you go to the kitchen with the dishes
Then Amr appears on the stage and approaches the audience, saying, “I heard my sister Ola’s dialogue with you, by God, unintentionally.” Her voice was loud and she said in astonishment: By God, I am the one who envies her to sit at home comfortably, which is better than going out into the street in the sun and heat, and sometimes in the cold and rain. I am the one who wants to know why the fear and tenderness of the parents towards the girl more than the boys? I wish you would find me an answer to these questions that baffle me It seems that someone is coming, we will continue later, and Amr will leave the stage
Then the mother comes and approaches the audience and says: Allow me, I heard the problem of Amr and Ola, and I have known it for a long time, and I want to agree with you on a trick to correct their thoughts. Indeed, no one is satisfied with his situation.
Then she calls Amr and Ola, and when they come, she says to them, “I have a surprise for you. Tomorrow we will change the decoration of the house so that we do not feel bored.” Omar and Ola: Nice idea, mom Mother: And the biggest surprise is that Amr will help me with the housework tomorrow, and Ola will go out into the street to buy our needs as a kind of change. Amr and Ola in happiness: God, mother, let change live, you are wonderful, mother, we hope that tomorrow comes quickly
The next day
Ola comes from outside, lamenting and crying Mother: What's wrong with you? what happened ? Ola crying: I dropped my things in the street, some people laughed, and others drove me to the door of the house With your permission, mother, I will not go to the street again. I am in the house. Thank God, I am a girl. Housework is much easier. Where is my brother Amr?
Then we find Amr coming from the inside with his arm and head tied with gauze. Ola laughs after she was crying and says what happened to him, mother? Mother: He was helping me with the housework and he was sliding on the tiles, so he fell on his arm and hit his head on the ground Ola: Your safety, Amr Amr: Are you okay? Where is my safety? I will never help with housework again My job is to buy the necessities from the market and looks at the sky saying: Thank God I was born. The housework is very difficult Mother: Thus, my children, we must thank God for the job that God has chosen for us. God does not oppress anyone, and each of us must be satisfied with his share. Amr Ola: With one voice, praise be to God, praise be to God