في رحلته اليومية والتى اعتادها ميشو يوميا للبحث عن مكان مناسب يبنى عليه عش الزوجية فهو عريس جديد وزوجته مشمشه على وشك ان تضع بيضها وجد غصن شجرة مليئه بالاوراق الخضراء الوارفه
فحط عليها واخذ ينظر يمينا ويسارا كى يطمئن على عشه الجديد على الا تحيطه اى اخط\ار من اى جانب وما ان اطمئن اليه وانه مكان امن وبقربه ينبوع من الماء ويتوفر فيها الغذاء حوله من كل جانب حتى هم بالطيران كى يخبر شريكه حياته وحبيبته الحمامه مشمشه
وكى يحضرها لياخذ رايها في المكان وما ان تركت قدماه غصن الشجرة حتى وجد مشمشه تطير مهرولة بسرعه غريبه نحوه وما ان حطت على فرع الشجرة فاخذت تتكلم بسرعه وبكلمات غير مفهومه فما كان من ميشو الا ان هدأها وانتظر عليها حتى تستطيع الكلام بهدوء
فاخبرته انها اثناء طيرانها وجدت عشا جاهزا للسكن قد هجره سكانه من الطيور ولن يكلفهم اى مشقه في بناءه او تجهيزه فلاحقها بالكلام واخبرها انه وجد المكان المناسب والذي يتوفر فيه كل سبل الحياة الكريمة والمناسبة لبناء عشهم الجميل
فما كان منها الا انها اصرت على ان يسكنا في العش الذى عثرت عليه فوافق على الرغم من انفه ونزولا عن رغبتها حتى لا تزعل منه وهم في بداية حياتهم الزوجية كما انها على وشك وضع مولودها
فاخذته من يده وهى في اشد الفرح وطارا محلقين في السماء وما ان وصلا الى المكان المراد فاذا بها يظهر على وجهها علامات الحزن والاسى وما ان حطا على فرع من فروع الشجرة بجوار العش الذى يقصدانه حتى اخبرته انهم قد تاخرا فقد وجدا فيه زوج من الطيور قد سبقاهما وسكناه
فاخذت في البكاء الشديد فما كان من زوجها ميشو الا ان ققال لها قدر الله وما شاء فعل فليس لنا نصيب ان نسكن هذا العش ولا نعلم في اى شيء الخير لنا فرجعا الى المكان الذى قد حدده لها من قبل واخذا يتبادلا نقل الاغصان اليه
حتى تمكنا من بناء عش في غايه الجمال والروعه وافضل بكثير من العش الذى وجدته هى من قبل وما هى الا اياما قليله حتى وضعت مشمشة بيضان جميلتان ورقدت عليهما حتى فقسا واخرجا فرخين جميلين يشبهان امهما تماما ففرحا بهما وراعهما حتى كبرا وتعلما الطيران سريعا
واخذا يلعبان حول بيتهم في حب وامان فقال لها ميشو الم اقل لكى لا يعلم الغيب ولا الخير الا الله سبحانه وتعالى وان هذا المكان هو المكان المناسب لنا ولاولادنا فقالت له معك حق ولقد تعلمت الدرس وسوف اعلمه لاولادنا
On his daily trip, which Micho used daily to search for a suitable place to build the marital nest on. He is a new groom and his wife, Mishmisha, is about to lay her eggs. He found a tree branch full of lush green leaves.
So he landed on it and looked left and right to be reassured of his new nest, provided that it would not be surrounded by any dangers from any side.
And to bring her to take her opinion on the place, and as soon as his feet left the tree branch, he found an apricot flying jogging at a strange speed towards him, and as soon as it landed on the tree branch, she began to speak quickly and in incomprehensible words, so it was only from Micho that he calmed her down and waited for her so that she could speak quietly
So she told him that during her flight she had found a ready-to-live nest that had been abandoned by its inhabitants of the birds, and that it would not cost them any hardship in building or preparing it.
It was only from her that she insisted that he live in the nest that she found, so he agreed despite his nose and down from her desire so that she would not be upset with him while they were at the beginning of their married life, as she was about to give birth to her child
So she took him from his hand while she was in the greatest joy, and they flew flying in the sky, and as soon as they reached the desired place, then signs of sadness and sorrow appeared on her face. And his residence
So she began to weep intensely, and it was only from her husband, Micho, that he said to her God’s destiny and what He willed to do. We do not have a share to live in this nest, and we do not know anything that is good for us.
Until we were able to build a nest of great beauty and magnificence, and much better than the nest that she had found before, and it was only a few days until Mishmeh laid two beautiful eggs and lay on them until they hatched and brought out two beautiful chicks that looked exactly like their mother, so they rejoiced with them and took care of them until they grew up and learned to fly quickly
And they were playing around their house in love and safety. Micho said to her, “Didn’t I say that only God Almighty knows the unseen and the good, and that this place is the right place for us and our children?” She said to him, “You are right, and I learned the lesson and I will teach it to our children.”