كان سلمان فتى احمق مترفا مغرورا يظن نفسه اقوى من جميع اصدقائه وفي يوم من الايام خرج الى الشارع متبخترا منفوشا كريش الطاووس وصاح باعلى صوته هل من مبارز
فاجابه الصبي ولم لا نتنافس في شيء اخر انفع ذلك؟ وما هذا الشيء الذى هو انفع من القوة
الصبي :هو الشيء الذى امر الله الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم بطلب الاستزاده منه
سلمان: وما هو ؟
الصبي : العلم فقد امر الله نبيه بطلب الاستزاده منه فقال : وقل رب زدني علما
سلمان : وكيف سنتسابق في العلم؟
الصبي: السالك سؤالا وتسالني سؤالا ونرى من سيجيب الاخر
احتار سلمان ولم يدر بما يجيب هذا الصبي ولا ما يساله عنه
ثم تذكر الشيء الوحيد الذي يحفظه عن ظهر قلب ويستطيع ان يساله عنه حتى لا يسخر منه ويظن انه لا يعلم اى شيء حتى يسال عنه
قال سلمان بغرور : ساسالك عن شيء مناسب لسنك ما هى اركان الاسلام الخمسة ؟
فاجابه الصبي قائلا
ما هي اسهل اسئلتك
قال سلمان مظهرا الثقه في نفسه والخوف يملأه اذا فاسالني ما شئت
قال الصبي : ساسالك ايضا سؤالا يناسب سنك وسيظهر به مدى علمك
ما هي اركان الايمان السته ؟
فاجاب سلمان : الايمان بالله وا ..... وا
الصبي : وماذا ؟ سلمان لا اتذكر
الصبي: اركان الايمان يعرفها الصبية الصغار وهي
فكيف تغتر بنفسك وانت لا تدرى اصول دينك والذى هو اهم من قوة جسمك واهم من طعامك وشرابك
لان بدونها لا يستطيع الانسان ان يعبد ربه كما امر ولا ان يؤدي فرائض دينه ولا نجاح ولا سعادة في الدنيا والاخرة الا بالعلم والجاهل يجب ان يتعلم بتواضع
فانه لا ينال العلم مستح ولا مستكبر ثم ذكر له الصبي بعض الايات والاحاديث في فضل العلم والنهي عن الكبر والغرور
انزعج سلمانمن كلام هذا الصبي ولكنه اخذ يفكر فيه وشعر انه كان مخطئا في تقييم نفسه والحكم على غيره وان غروره كان خطيئه كبيرة وان القوة الحقيقية هى قوة الايمان المستمدة من العلم بالله وان مكانه العلم والايمان اعظم من قوة الجسد وكثره المال
وتعلم ايضا ان قوته ان لم يستخدمها في الخير والدفاع عن نفسه ونصره الحق والمظلوم وليس في مشاكسه الاخرين وازعاجهم واختلاق المشاكل كانت وبالا وحجه عليه
شكر سلمان هذا الصبي فقد كان له الفضل في تعلم هذا الدرس فشكره على نصحه
ومنذ ذلك اليوم بدأ سلمان حياة جديدة سعيدة هى حياه العلم والايمان فبدأ يحفظ القران واحاديث النبي عليه الصلاه والسلام والتى علمته التواضع للناس والوقوف مع الضعيف حتى ينصره ومساعده المحتاج حتى يغنيه عن حاجته
وهكذا اصبح سلمان مضرب المثل في التواضع والادب وحسن الاخلاق بعدما كان احمقا تافها لا يدري اين مصلحته واين الخير من الشر حتى وفق الله له هذا الصبي الحكيم الذي دله على هذا الخير الكبير
The story of arrogant Salman
Salman was a foolish, posh, arrogant boy who thought himself stronger than all his friends. One day, he went out into the street, strutting and fluffing up like a peacock's feathers, and shouted at the top of his voice, "Is there a swordsman?"
The boy replied: Why don't we compete in something else that would be more beneficial? What is this thing that is more useful than strength?
The boy: He is the thing that God commanded the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, to ask for more information from him
Salman: What is it?
Boy: Knowledge. God commanded His Prophet to ask for more from it, and he said: And say, “My Lord, increase me in knowledge.”
Salman: How will we compete in science?
Boy: I ask you a question and you ask me a question and we see who the other will answer
Salman was confused and did not know what to answer this boy or what to ask him about
Then he remembered the only thing he knew by heart and could ask him about it so that he would not mock him and think that he did not know anything until he asked about it.
Salman said arrogantly: I will ask you about something appropriate for your age. What are the five pillars of Islam?
The boy replied, saying:
What are your easiest questions?
Ask me whatever you want,” Salman said, showing confidence in himself and fear filling him
The boy said: I will also ask you a question that is appropriate for your age and will show the extent of your knowledge
What are the six pillars of faith?
Salman replied: Faith in God wa.....wa
Boy: What? Salman, I don't remember
Boy: The pillars of faith are known to young boys
How can you be deceived about yourself when you do not know the foundations of your religion, which is more important than the strength of your body and more important than your food and drink?
Because without it, a person cannot worship his Lord as He has been commanded, nor perform the obligations of his religion, nor have success or happiness in this world or the hereafter except with knowledge, and the ignorant must learn with humility.
Neither the shy nor the arrogant person will attain knowledge. Then the boy mentioned to him some verses and hadiths regarding the virtue of knowledge and the prohibition of arrogance and vanity.
Salman was upset by this boy’s words, but he began to think about it and felt that he was wrong in evaluating himself and judging others, and that his arrogance was a great sin, and that true strength is the strength of faith derived from knowledge of God, and that the place of knowledge and faith is greater than the strength of the body and an abundance of money.
He also learned that if he did not use his strength for good and to defend himself and to support the truth and the oppressed, and not to quarrel with others, annoy them, or create problems, it would be a curse and an excuse for him.
Salman thanked this boy, as he had been credited with learning this lesson, so he thanked him for his advice
From that day on, Salman began a new, happy life, a life of knowledge and faith. He began to memorize the Qur’an and the hadiths of the Prophet, may the peace and blessings of God be upon him, which taught him to be humble toward people, to stand with the weak in order to support him, and to help the needy in order to relieve him of his need.
Thus, Salman became an example of humility, politeness, and good morals, after he was a trivial fool who did not know where his interests were and where good was from evil, until God granted him success in this wise boy who guided him to this great good.