
super baby

سلسلة اخلاقنا الجميلة - قصه اكتساب #اصدقاء Our beautiful morals series - the story of gaining #friends

 سلسلة اخلاقنا الجميلة - قصه اكتساب #اصدقاء Our beautiful morals series - the story of gaining #friends

الاء بنت جميلة يحبها الجميع وتحب الذهاب الى المدرسة لتلتقي بصديقاتها وكانت عند عودتها الى البيت تشعر بالملل لانها الابنه الوحيدة للاسرة وكانت تتمنى ان يكون لها اخوه او جيران ليشاركوها اللعب 

وفي احد الايام اخبرتها والدتها ان هناك جيرانا سياتون للسكن في البيت المجاور لهم فرحت الاء كثيرا واخذت تنتظر مجيئهم في تلهف وترقب 

وعندما قابلت الاء الجيران سلمت عليهم وانصرفت مسرعه اقتربت الام منها وقالت لقد عرفت ان الجيران لهم بنتا في نفس سنك قالت الاء انها تجلس على كرسي متحرك فكيف سالعب معها 

قالت الام لا تحكمى على احد قبل ان تتعرفي عليه ذهبت الاء مع والدتها عند الجيران وهناك رحب الجميع بها 

رحبت ابنتهم فرح بالاء ودعتها لدخول حجرتها وعندما تحدثت الاء مع فرح لاحظت انها لطيفه الطباع واستطاعت فرح ان تجذب الاء الى بعض العاب الكمبيوتر وانبهرت الاء من ذكاء فرح ومهارتها في الكثير من الالعاب 

وتكررت زيارات الاء الى بيت الجيران وصارت فرح صديقه مقربه لها فكانت اسعد الاوقات هى ما تقضيها مع فرح في حجرتها الجميلة ان فرح تستطيع ان تلعب وتمرح وتصنع السعاده لها ولمن حولها 

ومرت الشهور سريعا وفي احد الايام وجدت الاء امها تجلس حزينه فسالتها عن سبب حزنها فقالت لها الام لقد علمت الان من والده فرح انهم سيغادرون الى بلد اخر حزنت الاء وذهبت الى فرح ووجدتها تستعد وتجهز الاشياء من اجل الرحيل 

قالت الاء سافتقدك كثيرا قالت فرح لن تفرق بيننا المسافات سنتواصل دائما وعندما نعود في الاجازة لنزور اقاربنا ساتى اليك قالت الاء سنظل اصدقاء للابد 

Alaa is a beautiful girl who everyone loves. She loves going to school to meet her friends. When she returned home, she felt bored because she was the only daughter in the family. She wished she had brothers or neighbors to play with her.

One day, her mother told her that there were neighbors who would come to live in the house next to them. Alaa was very happy and began to wait for their arrival in eager anticipation.

When Alaa met the neighbors, she greeted them and left quickly. The mother approached her and said, “I learned that the neighbors have a daughter the same age as you.” Alaa said, “She sits in a wheelchair, so how can I play with her?”

The mother said, “Don’t judge someone before you get to know him.” Alaa went with her mother to the neighbors, and there everyone welcomed her

Their daughter Farah welcomed Alaa and invited her to enter her room. When Alaa spoke to Farah, she noticed that she had a nice nature. Farah was able to attract Alaa to some computer games, and Alaa was amazed by Farah’s intelligence and skill in many games.

Alaa's visits to the neighbors' house were repeated, and Farah became a close friend of hers. The happiest times were the ones she spent with Farah in her beautiful room. Farah could play, have fun, and create happiness for herself and those around her.

The months passed quickly, and one day Alaa found her mother sitting sad, so she asked her about the reason for her sadness, and the mother told her, “I have now learned from Farah’s father that they are leaving for another country.” Alaa was sad and went to Farah and found her getting ready and preparing things for the departure.

Alaa said, “I will miss you very much.” Farah said, “Distance will not separate us. We will always communicate. And when we return on vacation to visit our relatives, I will come to you.” Alaa said, “We will remain friends forever.”

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