
super baby

سلسلة اخلاقنا الجميلة - قصه كن امينا - قصص تربوية Our beautiful morals series - the story of “Be Honest” - educational stories

 سلسلة اخلاقنا الجميلة - قصه كن امينا - قصص تربوية Our beautiful morals series - the story of “Be Honest” - educational stories

احضر نبيل حصاله نقوده وبدا في فتحها دخلت الام حجرة نبيل وسالته عن سبب ما يفعل قال نبيل اننى اريد شراء لعبه اعجبتنى قالت الام اريدك ان تشترى لى بعض الطلبات بعد ان تشترى لعبتك قال نبيل سافعل ياامي 

وفي الطريق عندما وصل نبيل الى محل اللعب ووقف يشاهد اللعبه التى يريد شراءها وجد ان تمنها ارتفع ولن يكفي ما ادخره من نقود لشرائها 

وقابل نبيل صديقه خالد وساله خالد عن سبب وقوفه امام محل اللعب قال نبيل في شرود وحزن كنت اريد شراء لعبه ولكن المبلغ الذى ادخرته لا يكفي قال خالد اذن عليك ان تنظر حتى تدخر مبلغا اكبر

قال نبيل على ان اذهب الان لاشترى لامى بعض الطلبات وقال خالد هيا بنا ساذهب معك وفي المحل اشترى نبيل ما يريده ودفع ثمنها واعطاه البائع باقي النقود 

ولكنه توقف فجاه عندما وجد ان البائع قد اعطاه مبلغا اكبر بكثير من باقي الحساب واخبر خالد بما حدث لمعت عين خالد فرحا وقال هذه فرصتك ياصديقي لتشتري اللعبه التى تعجبك

واخذ نبيل يحدث نفسه قائلا هل من الصواب ان اخذ نقودا ليست من حقي ليس من الامانه ان اخذ هذا المال وترك خالد وانطلق مسرعا الى المحل ورد الى العم صادق صاحب المحل الباقي وشكره البائع 

وعند عودة نبيل الى البيت حكى لامه وابيه عما حدث قالت الام انا فخوره بك يانبيل وقال الاب احسنت يانبيل وفي المساء دق جرس الباب ودخل خالد ومعه علبه من الحلوى وقال لقد اوصانى العم صادق ان اوصلها لك وقال هذه اقل شيء يفعله مع ولد امين مثلك 

ونظر خالد الى الارض في خجل وقال ان ما فعلته كان خطأ كبير قال والد نبيل ان ندمك على ما فعلت هو خير دليل على ان لك ضميرا مستيقظا ونظر الى نبيل وقال ان غدا يوافق عيد ميلادك يانبيل وستكون هدية عيد ميلادك اللعبه التى كنت ترغب في شرائها قفز نبيل من الفرحه وشكره

Nabil brought his piggy bank and began to open it. The mother entered Nabil’s room and asked him why he was doing it. Nabil said, “I want to buy a toy that I liked.” The mother said, “I want you to buy me some orders after you buy your toy.” Nabil said, “I will do it, mother.”

On the way, when Nabil arrived at the toy store and stood watching the toy he wanted to buy, he found that his desire for it had increased and the money he had saved would not be enough to buy it.

Nabil met his friend Khaled and Khaled asked him why he was standing in front of the toy store. Nabil said absently and sadly, “I wanted to buy a toy, but the amount I saved was not enough.” Khaled said, “Then you have to look until you save a larger amount.”

Nabil said, “I have to go now to buy some items for my mother.” Khaled said, “Let’s go. I will go with you.” In the store, Nabil bought what he wanted and paid for it, and the seller gave him the rest of the money.

But he suddenly stopped when he found that the seller had given him a much larger amount than the rest of the account and told Khaled what had happened. Khaled’s eyes sparkled with joy and he said, “This is your chance, my friend, to buy the game you like.”

Nabil started talking to himself, saying: Is it right for me to take money that is not my right? It is not honest for me to take this money. He left Khaled and went quickly to the store and returned to Uncle Sadiq, the remaining owner of the store, and the seller thanked him.

When Nabil returned home, he told his mother and father about what had happened. The mother said, “I am proud of you, Nabil.” The father said, “Well done, Nabil.” In the evening, the doorbell rang and Khaled entered with a box of sweets. He said, “Uncle Sadiq instructed me to deliver them to you.” He said, “This is the least thing he would do with an honest boy like you.”

Khaled looked at the ground in shame and said that what you did was a big mistake. Nabil’s father said that your remorse for what you did is the best evidence that you have an awake conscience. He looked at Nabil and said that tomorrow is your birthday, Nabil, and your birthday gift will be the toy you wanted to buy. He jumped. Nabil was happy and thanked

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