قامَ سُلْحُفُ بإخضار أَلْوَاحَ الْخَشَب وَوَضْعِهَا بِجَانِب بَعْضهَا البَعْض. ثُمَّ صَنَعَ بِسُرْعَةِ عَجَلات خشبية صغيرة ثبتها في أَسْفَل الألواح حَتَّى يَصْنَعَ عَرَبَة يَحْمِل فوقها الأم سُلَحْفَاة المريضَة إلى الطبيب. وبالْفِعَل قَامَ دَبْدُوبُ بحَمْل الأم سُلَحْفَاةِ وَوَضَعَها فَوْقَ الْعَرَبَة.
وَقَامَتِ الْغَزَالَةُ بِجَرْهَا عَلَى الطَّريق إلى الطبيب أَرْنُوب الَّذِي عَالجها جَيْدًا. عَادَتْ السلحفاة الكبيرة إلى بَيْتِهَا وَعَمَلِهَا مَرَّةً أُخْرَى وَهِيَ سَعِيدَة بولدها سَلْحِف الذكي الذي فكر في حَلْ المشكلة بدلا من الجلوس يبكي.
The turtle was sleeping in her bed, sick, and her children were around her.
The turtles wanted to take their mother to the doctor, but they were slow.
Very much, and the doctor lives far away from them.
The little turtle was smart, so he thought of an invention to save his life.
situation and asked his friends, the deer and the bear, to help him.
They agreed immediately.
Turtle brought the wooden planks and placed them next to
each other.
Then he quickly made small wooden wheels and fixed them in
Beneath the boards until he makes a cart on which the mother is carried
Sick turtle to the doctor.
Indeed, a teddy bear carried the mother turtle and placed it on top of the
The cart.
The deer dragged it on the road to the doctor, Arnoub.
Who treated her well.
The big turtle returned to his home and work again.
She is happy with her smart son, Turtle, who thought of a solution