قصه الفأر والجبل
قصه الفأر والجبل
كان هناك فار صغير يعيش مع اخوانه الفئران وكان هناك جبلان يطلان على البحيرة من بيته جبل كبير واخر صغير وفي ليله مظلمه من ليالي الشتاء صحا الفار خائفا على صوت عاصفه قوية تدفعالجبل الصغير نحو بيته
وعندما هدأت العاصفه ورجع الفار الى شاطيء البحيرة وجد الجبل الصغير فوق بيته
فنادي الفار الجبل وقال : سيدي الجبل انت تحتل الارض التى بنيت عليها بيتي ارجع الى مكانك القديم واعد الى ارضي وبيتي
قال الجبل: لن ارحل عن هذا المكان
جلس الفار حزينا يفكر في مصيره وعرفت الحيوانات بمصيبه الفار وتالمت لحاله فالاسد هدد الجبل وزأر زئيرا عاليا واعلن الحمار عن استعداده للذهاب الى الجبل ليرفسه بحوافره وعلا نباح الكلب وارتفع عواء الذئب لكن الجبل الصغير بقي مكانه لا يتحرك ولا يتزحزح
تسلل الفار في الظلام حتى وصل الى الجبل الصغير وبدأ يحفر باقدامه ومخالبه واسنانه وصمم ان يصل الى بيته
شاهدت الفئران ما يفعله اخوها فاقبلت تساعده وبعد ايام انضمت الارانب والنمل الى الفار . تحول باطن الجبل الى حجور وحفر كثيره واحس بالضعف الشديد
ثم هبت عاصفه قوية فاقتلعت الجبل والقت به في البحيرة وهنا قال الفار باعتزاز : شكرا ايها الاصدقاء لقد استرجعت ارضي واصبح عندنا بيوت كثيرة نسكن فيها انا واخواتي واصدقائي
The story of the mouse and the mountain
There was a little mouse living with his brothers the mice. There were two mountains overlooking the lake from his house, a big mountain and a small one. On a dark winter night, the mouse woke up frightened by the sound of a strong storm pushing the little mountain towards his house.
When the storm subsided and the mouse returned to the shore of the lake, he found the little mountain above his house.
The mouse called out to the mountain and said: My Lord, the mountain, you are occupying the land on which I built my house. Go back to your old place and return to my land and my house.
The mountain said: I will not leave this place.
The mouse sat sadly thinking about his fate. The animals knew about the mouse’s misfortune and were pained by his condition. The lion threatened the mountain and roared loudly. The donkey announced his readiness to go to the mountain to kick it with his hooves. The dog barked loudly and the wolf howled loudly, but the little mountain remained in place, not moving or shifting.
The mouse crept into the darkness until he reached the little mountain and began digging with his feet, claws and teeth. He was determined to He reaches his home
The mice saw what their brother was doing so they came to help him. After a few days, the rabbits and ants joined the mouse. The interior of the mountain turned into many holes and pits and he felt very weak.
Then a strong storm blew up and uprooted the mountain and threw it into the lake. Here the mouse said proudly: Thank you, my friends. I got my land back and we now have many houses for me, my sisters and my friends to live in.