
super baby

قصة القطة سمسمة The story of the cat Sesame


قصة القطة سمسمة 

كان هناك حطاب شاب يعيش قرب الغابة وكان عنده قطتان مشمشة وسمسمة 

وكان الحطاب يحب مشمشة اكثر من سمسمة لانها كانت تلاعبه وتجري خلفه وتطارد الفئران

وذات يوم خرج الى الغابة بعد ان حمل كيسه على كتفه وبه فأسه فاسرعت سمسمة خلفه وقفزت داخل الكيس من غير ان يشعر بها

وصل الحطاب الى الغابه وفجأة ارتفع زئير اسد مفترس اخذ يقترب من الحطاب شيئا فشيئا تسلق الحطاب اقرب شجرة وظل فوقها

وفجأة احس بحركة في الكيس الذي يحمله وادهشه ان يجد سمسمة وكانت تنظر الى اعلى كانها تحذره من شيء مرعب 

نظر الحطاب فوجد نمرا ضخما فوق الشجرة يستعد للوثوب عليه فاسرع واخرج فأسه وضرب بع الغضن الذي يقف عليه النمر فوقع النمر فوق الاسد ودارت بينهما معركة قوية ثم انصرفا 

نزل الحطاب يحمل سمسمة بين يديه فرحا بها فقد انقذت حياته في الوقت المناسب وصار لا يفرق في المعامله بين مشمشة وسمسمة 

The story of the cat Sesame

There was a young woodcutter who lived near the forest and he had two cats, Mishmish and Sesame

The woodcutter loved Mishmish more than Sesame because she used to play with him and run after him and chase mice

One day he went out into the forest after carrying his bag on his shoulder with his axe in it, and Sesame ran after him and jumped into the bag without him noticing her

The woodcutter reached the forest and suddenly the roar of a ferocious lion rose and began to approach the woodcutter little by little. The woodcutter climbed the nearest tree and stayed on it

Suddenly he felt a movement in the bag he was carrying and was surprised to find Sesame looking up as if she was warning him of something terrifying

The woodcutter looked and found a huge tiger on top of the tree preparing to pounce on him, so he quickly took out his axe and struck the branch on which the tiger was standing, so the tiger fell on the lion and a fierce battle took place between them, then they left

The woodcutter went down carrying Sesame was in his hands, happy with her, as she had saved his life at the right time, and he no longer treated her differently.

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